I forgive you. Three simple words. Life changing? More like life saving.
The power of forgiveness and unconditional love is life changing. For me, it goes back to that life changing moment at the start of my journey in April 2020 when God helped me unmask all of my sin to Amy.
Nobody ever signs up to tell a story like this. Quite the opposite actually. I think a lot of people addicted to porn, sex, drugs, booze, whatever your vice of choice is, do exactly what I did: spend years and years of energy trying to stuff your sins deep inside so they would never get out. My mask was on so tight that I didn’t take it off for anyone. There was nobody in the world I was living in that knew what was behind my mask. Nobody. I was alone and trapped in my own sin. Fortunately, God had other plans for me. Those plans included repenting my sins and confessing every aspect of my illicit life to God and to my wife. And yet despite the pain I caused, and repeatedly turning away from God, He was still there waiting for me with open arms. I never thought that would be possible until Amy showed me what Godly forgiveness really looks like.
I wanted to share my story in hopes of helping people who might be experiencing the same struggles I had my entire life - addiction to porn and sex. I know some of you may be rolling your eyes thinking this is just some way for me not to take accountability for my actions. I was on the other side of the computer thinking the same thing not too long ago. Let me tell you, it’s a real addiction and it hurts people. And there’s real work and accountability that has to happen to overcome. I was first exposed to porn at the age of 9. From that moment, it grabbed hold of my life and didn’t let go. It ruined one marriage and very nearly ruined a second one. It impacted relationships and friendships.
There is hope. And it starts with god.
Maybe you find yourself in a similar position, dealing with sins that are out of control. Or maybe you have someone you care about going through his or her own struggles. Here’s what I want you to know.
There is hope. There is a way out. And it starts with god.
Whether you are someone who has faith but strayed away or maybe you have never asked God for help - I promise you He is waiting for you with open arms to help. Because that’s what happened to me. I was a 50-year old man, grew up in a Jewish household but with no connection to God, considered myself an atheist and was the biggest sinner in the world. And yet God still was waiting for me. It’s not going to be easy but there is a path forward to walking away from your sins and transforming your life.
“It wasn’t until I asked God for help that I finally freed myself from my sin and I could tackle the source of my shame.”
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