Unmasked Episode 4: Unmasking Movita's Journey

On today's episode, we unmask the journey of Movita Johnson. Movita  experienced the violent loss of her father, cousin, and brother,  leading to a drug addiction as a little girl. As an adult, she lost two  sons at the hands of gun violence. Movita overcame her tragic losses and  addictions to become a leading voice and advocate around gun violence in  Pennsylvania.

Unmasked Episode 1: Unmasking my journey

Two years ago to the day, God changed my life. Two years later, I want to share my story - and the stories of others - to help bring hope and encouragement to world that desperately needs it today.

On this first episode, Neil unmasks his journey on how God was able to help him free from a 40-year porn addiction. Using a very unique intervention. This podcast is co produced and edited by Ben Shrewsbury