Let's go on this journey together

Hi, I’m so glad you are found this page and I would love for you to join me as I continue to build a relationship with God and share my story in an effort to help others. Let me share a little bit about how I got here.

It was one year ago today, April 14, 2020. This was the day I turned my life over to Jesus. Typing these words still feels strange to me. I grew up in a Jewish family and considered myself an atheist most of my life. As Jerry Seinfeld said, we are pretty much in the religion for the food and the comedy. Jews simply do not talk about Jesus. That’s just the rule. At least that’s what I was told. For my family, the Bible stopped at the Old Testament. That’s what makes my transformation nothing short of a miracle.

We were one month into a pandemic that left most of the world locked down alone. Just a few weeks earlier, I was blackmailed by a prostitute that I had visited in Chicago on a business trip. By the time I left her hotel room, this woman and her partner had already found my wife’s contact info. Several hundred dollars later, I made it out of that room and was able to carry on with my day. But once the money dried up, this couple had no use for me and hit the nuclear button - they called Amy and told them about my visit. Did I mention they also had proof to share? This set off a wild chain of events in the weeks ahead that ultimately led me to confess all of my sins to God - and to Amy. The good news in all of this - as big of a sinner that I was, God was still waiting for me with open arms.

One year after my unmaking, my old life is gone. God absolutely helped me walk away from it. I picked up my cross and followed Jesus. God helped me cancel my OWN sinful culture and replaced it with one that is full of the Holy Spirit. I read and listened to the ENTIRE Bible. I started going to church. I saved my marriage. I stopped drinking, stopped smoking pot. Lost 30 pounds and ran a half marathon. Most importantly, I broke free from my addiction to porn and everything that went along with it and I haven’t looked back. I know that sounds hard to believe. And frankly, it still amazes me. I understand that for a lot of people, turning away from your sins is a constant struggle.

No matter what you are struggling with - pornography, sexual deviance, drugs, alcohol, gambling - it is possible to defeat your sins and transform your life. Trust me, if someone like me can get saved, I promise there is hope for you too. The first step is pretty easy. Ask God for help.

Let’s go on this journey together.