This past week was a big one for me on my recovery and transformation journey. Last Monday, I set out from Kansas City to San Antonio for my first business trip since February 2020. And its significance had nothing to do with COVID.
I recently had an opportunity to share testimony at a Missouri House committee hearing in support of House Bill 1706. This bill would make it a felony to purchase sex in the state of Missouri, as well as using fines of those convicted to provide financial resources for victim restitution. Here is my complete testimony.
In between the highs of Saturday morning and Sunday evening, there was a miserable low. I was attacked by the enemy in the form of spiritual warfare on Saturday night.
I almost missed this anniversary. This week marks two years since I publicly committed my life to Jesus Christ. I have to give Facebook credit for reminding me by popping up the picture of my baptism in my timeline. Chalk a rare victory up to social media.